Sinusitis And Bronchitis - Most Common Winter Diseases, Treatable With Homeopathy
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During the winter period, bronchitis and sinusitis are the most common conditions especially in areas with cold climates. Patients which accuse symptoms like headaches, fever, nasal discharge, difficult breathing and cough are usually diagnosed with sinusitis or bronchitis.
These respiratory conditions can frequently heal by using homeopathic remedies, annulling the necessity of antibiotics administration. Both sinusitis and bronchitis can appear in acute forms which are temporary and in chronic forms requiring a permanent care. In acute stages they can be treated by temporary herbal medication until symptoms disappear; in chronic forms however they necessity further investigations in order to be benefic deled with.
Causes of sinusitis and bronchitis might be bacteria, viruses or fungal organisms or even different types of allergens operating in acute or chronic timing.
Sinusitis is mainly characterized by fluid or mucous nasal discharge, obstruction of the nasal passages and feeling of pressure inside the sinus cavities. Disturbing headaches and facial pains around the frontal or maxillary area are important signs in differential diagnosis with common colds or flu.
Acute sinusitis can develop high fever and chills; left untreated it can lead to the apparition of bronchitis or pneumonia as the bacterial infection spreads to the other respiratory areas.
The homeopath physician must know if the condition is acute or chronic to be able to prescribe the most efficient treatments. Major importance has the way the disease has occurred and under the influence of which environmental factors. Such factors can be stress, allergens, diets or even contact to possible contagious cases.
Actual symptoms, the order of appearance and the way they affect the patient?s life are important to establish a certain homeopathic medication. In sinusitis determinant are the localization of the pains and the aspect and smell of the discharge. Homeopathic remedies base more on the symptoms than on the cause of infection because there is no real efficient treatment for sinusitis.
If the patient?s complaints are connected to high pressure inside the sinuses, yellow to green coloration of the mucus and localization of the pains in point areas, the sinusitis can be treated successfully by homeopathic remedies. The most common herbal medication for sinusitis is Kali bichromicum.
Sinusitis with more fluid nasal discharge slipping down the posterior side of the throat causes cough and requires clearing of the throat. Sometimes patients accuse bad breathe, sweating and a metallic taste in the mouth, they might present a thick coat on the tongue and quick sessions of cold or hot feelings. If also fever is absent the best homeopathic remedy seems to be Mercurius solubilis. Patients suffering from irritability usually use Hepar sulphuricum or Nux vomica to treat sinusitis and develop some side-effects. Milder sinusitis improves with Pulsatilla Nigricans.
Persons treated with Hepar sulphuricum complain more about the symptoms and are more irritable when they are cold. They sneeze more and the respiration through the nose is stopped by dry wind or cold air.
More informations about bronchitis treatment or bronchitis can be found by visiting cold_vs_sinus_infection_symptoms, get_rid_of_infection, natural_sinus_remedy, sinus_bradycardia, sinus_infection_home_treatment, symptoms_of_sinus_infection, what_is_carotid_sinus, what_is_sinus_node
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